Wednesday, September 7, 2011

7 months! smiles and silliness

Ariana's first tooth (bottom left) is poking through!
Awh.. . we will miss that gummy toothless smile! 

She's very active and playful, loves watching and listening baby einstein! Can pull herself up from sitting to standing! Makes lots of 'bababababa', 'dadadadada' and 'trrrrrrrrrrr'  sounds. 

We went to Dallas for Daddy's Birthday and did sooo well during the 4 hour car ride! Good practice for more trips!

Once a week I get to go play with other babies and give Mommy some time to herself!  

happy food face!

silly food face!

on Daddy's birthday we went to Dallas!

taking a coffee break while shopping at Ikea


conversations with Papa

me and  Mamma <3


shopping with Julie!

in my outfit from tante Petra & family!


I love my walker!

little steps!



silly goose!


...zzzzzzz... dreaming of my Oma Ankie and Nana Helen


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