Thursday, August 11, 2011

6 months!

Ariana is 6 months already! At the doctors visit I was 19.2 pounds and 27" (68.6cm)  long!  With 5,5 months I could sit up without help! When I'm upset I pout my lips and cry  "mamamamamamma... "  ( mommy loves it!) I babbles a lot "bababababa!"  and love to blow raspberries "pppppppppphhh"! We eat a veggie or fruit puree every day, zucchini puree, sweetpea & banana, squash & nectarine and my favorite butternut squash & apple and acorn squash & apple! I still takes 3 naps a day and sleep pretty good at night... 

27" inches / 68.6 centimenters

19.2 pound!

showing of my band-aids from the immunizations

I LOVE my daddy! He's the bestests!

I can hold my bottle real wel!

with my sister Britt Britt

icecream at Menchies!

at salsa fest

mommy wants my tan

snacking is serious business

coffee with mindy & theo!

can you do this!?  I can!

I love laughing!

in 'my' play room
can we stop taking pictures pleez!?

my favorite meal so far, butternut squash or acorn squash with apples (pureed)

zucchini puree! blegh!

hanging with auntie Julie!

trying out the sippie cup

oopsie upside down!

hee! hee! silly mee!!

just being happy!

visiting with auntie lala!

ciao bella!

all snuggled up...

nite nite!